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Trips to Side

About Side, Turkish Riviera

The sandy beaches of Side stretch along the Mediterranean, offering a perfect escape for sunbathers and water sports enthusiasts. The West Beach, with its calm waters, is ideal for families, while the East Beach caters to those seeking a livelier atmosphere with beach clubs and waterfront cafes.

The ancient city of Side was once a bustling Roman port, and its well-preserved ruins are scattered throughout the town. The iconic Temple of Apollo, perched on the edge of the harbor, creates a mesmerizing silhouette against the azure sky, especially during sunset. The ancient amphitheater, still used for cultural events, overlooks the sea, offering visitors a chance to step back in time.

Side's charming old town, with its narrow streets and Hellenistic-style city walls, exudes a nostalgic atmosphere. The Agora, a once-thriving marketplace, and the Nymphaeum, a monumental fountain, provide glimpses into daily life in ancient Side. The museum in Side showcases artifacts from the city's archaeological sites, providing context to the historical narrative.

Map of Side

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